Welcome, Providers!
We take great pride in our network of physicians and related professionals who serve our members with the highest level of quality care and service. We are absolutely committed to making sure our providers receive the best possible and latest information, technology, and tools available to ensure their success and their ability to provide for members.

Help serve our members
We understand that our members may elect to visit providers that are not part of Parkland Community Health Plan's Provider Network. If you are not in-network, you’ll still need to know how to file claims and understand any policies and procedures that may affect you and your PCHP-member patients, including requesting prior authorizations for all services. Learn why providers have chosen to join us as their partners in managed healthcare.
- Easy and simple experience
- Operational excellence
- Financial discipline
- Empowering environment

Together, we can improve healthcare quality
At Parkland Community Health Plan, we focus on operational excellence, constantly striving to eliminate redundancy and streamline processes for the benefit and value of all our partners.
Provider Customer Service:
HEALTHfirst – 1-888-672-2277
KIDSfirst – 1-888-814-2352
Call Monday through Friday 8 am to 5 pm CST
Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC)
Texas HHSC Notices

Provider Advisory Committee (PAC)
PCHP's Provider Advisory Committee (PAC) as defined by HHSC is designed to gather provider input into health plan operations and initiatives.
If you are a contracted provider and interested in joining our quarterly Provider Advisory Committee meetings, send us an email.
If you are interested in attending other events like our Provider Quality Forum, Provider Lunch & Learns, and Provider Town Halls, click the button below to view our calendar.
You can view all PCHP events on our Event Calendar.